11 time-saving apps that'll give you leverage
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11 time-saving apps that'll give you leverage

Finding efficiencies wherever you can helps you work smarter, not harder. Here are 11 must-try apps that'll save you time, put you in control and keep you organized wherever you go.

The ability to leverage our time and efforts through apps is critical to business growth. Real estate apps help you provide faster service to your clients, and if you use them right, they’ll also help you run your business more efficiently.

Whether you’re looking to track your expenses, speed up your delivery of information to your clients, or level up your professional content delivery — there’s an app for that. Here are my 11 favorite real estate apps that all agents should be using.

1. Forewarn

Many of our interactions, whether in person or on the phone, involve meeting people we know very little about. Forewarn allows us to gather instant information about people before we meet them in person.

Forewarn provides accurate phone numbers, address history, possible criminal records, and public record information of properties owned by the person you check about. It offers a quick safety assessment for agents before meeting clients for the first time and detailed information on the prospect’s current and past real estate holdings.

We use the tool not only for safety but also to find accurate phone numbers for property owners. The database has been one of the most accurate sources for phone numbers that we’ve found.

2. Stride

Stride helps us keep track of mileage and other expenses concisely through its app. It has the ability to automatically upload your miles, creating an efficient way to keep accurate records.

It also allows you to import expenses from your bank account and take photos of receipts. What’s more, it helps you find deduction options by suggesting potential write-offs for your business.

This tool also seamlessly integrates with tax preparation software, which is an added convenience. So, if you’re looking for a business tax app that is great for real estate professionals, this is the one for you.

3. Videolicious

Videolicious is a video-editing tool that makes it easy to whip up professionally edited videos on the fly. A few of the features include the ability to merge different videos shot on your phone, add voiceover/narration and choose your background music and text.

Videolicious allowed me to edit professionally styled videos (that used to take hours) in just seconds. If you want to quickly put together great-looking videos right from your phone, make sure to check out this app.

4. Your iPhone’s Scanner

The iPhone’s Scanner lets you scan documents directly on your phone, saving time and effort for the real estate agent on the run. (There are other apps like Adobe Scan and Clear Scan for Android users as well.) Here’s how to use it:

  • Open the notes section on your iPhone.

  • Select a note, or create a new note.

  • Tap the camera button, then tap scan documents.

  • Tap the shutter button then drag the corners to adjust the document to fit the screen.

  • Tap save or add additional documents to the scan.

In the fast-paced market, we find ourselves in now, our ability to scan and deliver documents directly from our phones could be the difference-maker in winning contract negotiations for our clients.

5. EasyMeasure

The EasyMeasure app uses the camera on your phone to measure distances. Whether you are measuring rooms for loading your new listing in the MLS or determining how big a bedroom is while showing a home, this app will make your life as an agent easier.

There’s no need for someone to hold the end of the measuring tape for you anymore. The word “easy” in this app’s name is there for a reason.

6. BombBomb

BombBomb allows you to record and send videos directly to anyone from your phone or computer (via text or email). This makes it easy to send a quick prerecorded video to new online leads if you are, for example, busy showing a property or unable to reach out immediately.

I also love that BombBomb lets you see when and how many times the prospect watches the video — which is one of my favorite features. In short, it’s a great app to use on your phone. In fact, it’s one of my most-used apps for email communication as well.

7. DocuSign

Speed to signature has never been more important than it is for our business right now. Through DocuSign, you can send documents for electronic signatures directly from your phone.

DocuSign gives you the advantage of speed, which could give your clients the edge they need to win the home of their dreams. Electronic signature apps like DocuSign are really a must-have for real estate professionals today.

8. Adobe Lightroom

Presenting professional photos that are well-lit and visually appealing has become an essential practice in our marketing presentations. Whether it’s listings photos or something to feature on social media, having professionally edited photography can really set you apart.

Enter Adobe Lightroom. This powerful photo editor allows you to turn dull photos into stunning content right from your phone. You can access premium presets (or in other words, photo settings and filters that are pre-developed by professional photographers) right in the app.

If you’re looking to improve your photography game, then this is the app for you.

9. Audible

We spend a lot of time in our vehicles going about the daily activities of our business. By providing a platform where you can listen to audiobooks and podcasts, Audible allows you to learn on the go.

No matter what area you want to expand your knowledge in, Audible has an audiobook or podcast that can help. I use it constantly, and I find it to be one of the most effective apps in helping me grow myself and my business.

10. Calendly

Calendly is the best tool I know for setting appointments — without all the back-and-forth emails trying to find a time that’s good for you and your clients.

It looks at your appointments and determines the times when you’re available. (You can also set your availability within the app.) This allows you to time-block and plan for things like prospecting or personal time.

If you don’t control your schedule, then your schedule will control you. Calendly helps you take control of your most important asset: your time.

11. Google Drive

Google Drive is the file storage and synchronization tool developed by Google. It’s where we house all of our real estate-related documents, our real estate photography, videos, and any other items we want access to at any time via the Google Drive app on our phones.

Google Drive really brings everything together for us. It’s a centralized place to access anything we need on the go. If you’re looking for a place to organize and house your documents and photos, Google Drive is a good solution for that.

Finding efficiencies through apps can help you work smarter, not harder. Utilizing the 11 apps listed in this article has helped me, and I believe with all my heart they can help you as well.

By Jimmy Burgess

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